

My name is Laura. I am on a spiritual journey and I hope you’ll join me.

My greatest desire is to pursue a meaningful life through deep reflection, authentic relationships, and time seeking the Spirit. I like to write down my thoughts and prayers which usually center around God’s all encompassing love for everyone. I also love creating and singing music that has language which points me to the Spirit’s love. My purpose is to be in a genuine relationship with God and those around me. Worship Leader @mosaicfumc at First United Methodist Church of Denton, TX.

Prayers of the Heart: A Lenten Litany

Prayers of the Heart: A Lenten Litany

Kyrie eleison is translated as “Lord, have mercy” and has traditionally been used in Christian liturgy as a confessional response . This response can be spoken or sung. A recommended sung response is Songs and Prayers from Taize, Kyrie Eleison 13, Song 6.

Today we come before you and rest. We lay down at your feet all that we have carried and ask you to give us peace in our hearts. Abba Father, Holy and Mightiest of All, The Beginning and the End, The Endless Clear Light, we beseech you with open hearts and give you all we have: our minds, our bodies, our hearts, our thoughts and actions, to be used for good. Lord, have mercy on us.

Kyrie Eleison

Today we come before you and rest. Divine Mother, the Sacred feminine, Sophia God, wrap your loving arms around us. We have not been the children you have called us to be. You look in us and see only beauty, goodness, and love, yet we don’t always reflect those back into the world. We have spoken hate when we meant to speak love to our siblings. When you are all around us, we fail to recognize you. We have not seen you in the blades of grass and the heavenly wind, this beautiful womb that was made to sustain life. Instead we hurt you and destroy what you have created. Mother, have mercy on us.

Kyrie Eleison

Today we come before you and rest. Spirit of Life, God in Breath, Guider, Comforter: you continue to move us towards you. With a gentle nudge or a large push, you direct our lives towards wholeness and peace. Yet we ignore you, we follow instead our own internal voices, our ego, that points us toward selfish and wrong perceptions. Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.

Kyrie Eleison

Today we come before you and rest. Jesus, the Divine in Human Form, the Son of God and Son of Man, Redeemer, you have called us to be liberators, to seek justice, and speak love to all people. Yet, we sit in our stone houses and talk amongst ourselves, about how bad the world seems to be. Let us be instead like you, building the kingdom of heaven and earth one stone at a time, one heart at a time. We no longer want to sit, we want to stand for the love you stood for. Forgive us, we pray. Christ, have mercy on us.

Kyrie Eleison

Today we come before you and rest. Father, Mother, Spirit, Christ. Have mercy on us in the ways we fail you. We lift these up to you and release them… (a few seconds of silence) Let us always point to love, so that we can always be pointing to you. Three in one, we pray, have mercy on us.

Kyrie Eleison

Photo by Jovi Waqa 

Prayers of the People

Prayers of the People

In the face of tragedy

In the face of tragedy