

My name is Laura. I am on a spiritual journey and I hope you’ll join me.

My greatest desire is to pursue a meaningful life through deep reflection, authentic relationships, and time seeking the Spirit. I like to write down my thoughts and prayers which usually center around God’s all encompassing love for everyone. I also love creating and singing music that has language which points me to the Spirit’s love. My purpose is to be in a genuine relationship with God and those around me. Worship Leader @mosaicfumc at First United Methodist Church of Denton, TX.

The dust that I am.

The dust that I am.

I am dust.
and when my dust combines with your dust,
we become human,
and planets,
and animals,
and all manner of things that give life.

Repent, and believe this Gospel:
that I need you and you need me
and together we are good;
we are wholly and completely good.

Repent, and believe this Gospel:
that there is grace for creation
and re-creation.

In this constant and eternal process
of becoming us,
as we learn each other
and God
and these things called life and love.

Repent, and believe this Gospel:
that when I stumble
and you reveal
the rock beneath my feet
we walk hand-in-hand

you reach out and take hold of my arms
and guide me onward towards Christ,
perhaps laughing as we continue on.

my dust
and your dust
and the dust of the earth
and create life.

This is the Gospel
of the dust that I am:
that only with you, 
stumbling through the dust
towards the Divine
am I alive.

New Life has Begun

New Life has Begun

I Can See the Ivy: A Response

I Can See the Ivy: A Response