

My name is Laura. I am on a spiritual journey and I hope you’ll join me.

My greatest desire is to pursue a meaningful life through deep reflection, authentic relationships, and time seeking the Spirit. I like to write down my thoughts and prayers which usually center around God’s all encompassing love for everyone. I also love creating and singing music that has language which points me to the Spirit’s love. My purpose is to be in a genuine relationship with God and those around me. Worship Leader @mosaicfumc at First United Methodist Church of Denton, TX.

An Uncertain Time: A Prayer

An Uncertain Time: A Prayer

Today is the first day of December, the first day of advent and I’m so excited. I have a Harry Potter advent calendar that I get to start. I love the Christmas season. Sometimes it seems like a simpler time of year. Everyone is singing Christmas songs and giving presents and making cookies. Everything seems shiny and happy. But advent reminds us all along the way that things are complicated and confusing. There’s nothing simple about the Christmas story. 

In our scripture reading for today, Zechariah says “how can I be sure? How can I know?”

God is with us in the understanding that things aren’t simple. We don’t always get to be certain. 

When I look around at people who I think are filled with hate but they think they are filled with love, things aren’t simple. When I go to work and teach students who have completely different world views and viewpoints than I do, they can say things that are so painful to me, but I have so much deep love for them, and things aren’t simple. 

When I try to believe that God has a plan for all of us but I see so much hurt in the world, things aren’t simple. 

When God says, “Do not be afraid,” we say “How can I be sure?” 

Let us pray. 


We have heard you. You have told us not to be afraid. To trust you. That you will make all things good and right. And we are waiting.

We are entering the cold, dark winter, again. Waiting for another sign that we aren’t alone. That you are here. Over and over you say, “Do not be afraid,” and again and again we doubt. We think it can’t possibly be that simple, to trust you. We want to hear your voice louder and stronger.

But instead of a warrior, you came as a baby.

Instead of a king you came as a commoner.

You showed us that sometimes it is simple.

The hope in a scared, expectant mother.

The friendship of a fisherman.

The joy of a baby when it seemed impossible.

The simplest thing and yet the most vast thing in the universe that binds is all together: Love. 

God be with us when things are complicated; be with us when things are simple. We hear you, God, 

Do not be afraid.

To See the Face of God: Migration Theology and The Imago Dei at the Borderlands

To See the Face of God: Migration Theology and The Imago Dei at the Borderlands

the touch of you

the touch of you