

My name is Laura. I am on a spiritual journey and I hope you’ll join me.

My greatest desire is to pursue a meaningful life through deep reflection, authentic relationships, and time seeking the Spirit. I like to write down my thoughts and prayers which usually center around God’s all encompassing love for everyone. I also love creating and singing music that has language which points me to the Spirit’s love. My purpose is to be in a genuine relationship with God and those around me. Worship Leader @mosaicfumc at First United Methodist Church of Denton, TX.

Light in a Broken World

Light in a Broken World

Open up your hearts today as we prepare to meet you in this space. As you breathe in, breath in the hope for this world. As you breathe out, breath out all fear that you have. Give it over.

God, sometimes we get lost in fear. We get stuck in the quicksand. Our feet are frozen in concrete. We are afraid for our world and don’t know how to take that next step forward. We wonder if we just stand here: frozen and still, then maybe it won’t get worse. We can’t believe our eyes. Our ears must be tricking us. This can’t be our world. Is this the world that you have given us: full of goodness, kindness and beauty? Yet our eyes don’t betray us: we see the ugliness. The hatred is palpable, and we feel helpless. God, give us strength!

Breath hope into our lungs!

Let that seed of hope grow into a forest because we are called. There is no time to be hopeless. There is urgency to help those in need. You call us to speak for that child in a cage. You call us to be the voice for those seeking refuge, and you call us to listen to others stories when no one else will. You call us to see those who feel invisible. You call us. You have been calling us. Now we listen.

We lift our heads, Lord, and answer. Yes, God, I am here. 

For you died on a cross to save the world. There was darkness for days. And then you rose in glorious light.  

May this hate die and a new light emerge from the darkness. Source, let us be that light. 


So Will I: A Creation Liturgy

So Will I: A Creation Liturgy

Loving Yourself as God Does: A Meditation

Loving Yourself as God Does: A Meditation